Goodbye, Grandmom

My maternal grandmother passed away a few weeks ago, a day I always knew would come, nonetheless still felt like a surprise. I miss her so much and I wish I could fly myself to Georgia and hear her witty quips in her strong Southern accent, but my heart will always feel the love we shared. As far as dying goes, she went out in a way that gives me a lot of peace. Her last full day on Earth was spent celebrating her 94th birthday with her 3 month old great-grand baby [thanks lil sis for making that dream come true for her ;)], eating cupcakes and ice cream with family, then she died simply watching television in her room the following day. She wasn't sick, had no diseases, and was simply ready to call it. Since my Grandad passed in 2012, my Gmom has had many suiters in her assisted living home but she would always reject them stating "My husband is waiting for me in heaven!" My heart is sure their souls had a joyful reunion. 

Birds have a special spiritual significance, to me at least. Around the moment my Gmom left her body on Earth, I was standing on a hill in Idaho with my sister in law. I told her "My ancestors send me hawks as messages," as a we witness a big beautiful hawk circling overhead. Only the next morning did I know the significance of that hawk. Back in San Diego the next few days on my daily walks I had magnificent hawk encounters, literally with a female hawk soaring alongside me as I strolled the oceanside cliff. It brought me immense comfort in grief. My mom kept saying she almost thought my Gmom, her mom, would live forever. 94 years is a very long lifetime. I'm grateful I got to spend most Sundays growing up with her and my Gdad, playing in their big vegetable garden and climbing the magnolia trees, making paper dolls and watching black and white tv shows. My memories of attending church with my Grandparents are vivid, many of the morals and lessons vividly entrenched in my psyche. I'm sure my Grandmother was happy to see her daughter, my mother, become a Grandmother (again... thanks lil sis). 

Grief is a human emotion that strikes you unexpectedly but is born out of love. Lots of love Gmom! I still feel your spunky southern spirit, I always will, and I look forward to a joyous soul reunion someday! 




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