March Madness - SXSW, Legos, Team Building & Tigers

SPRING BREAAAK! I might not officially get spring break off as an adult but I'm taking one anyways! Before March even began I knew this month was packed with plans. The plan this week is no plan :sunglasses smile emoji:.

LET'S START WITH SXSW. When I lived in Austin, SXSW was my favorite time of year. Speaking on a panel at SXSW was something I always wanted to do. I remember last year an author and influencer I follow Tinx did a panel with Mark Cuban and I thought 'I want to do that, but when will I ever be important enough?'. Turns out 2024 was the year and Women in Tech & Media was the topic! Imposter Syndrome isn't something I've ever identified with much - however at Amazon there is a major insecurity that comes with what level you are in our internal leveling system. This month I did get a major milestone promotion approved that bumped me up a level, but that hadn't even happened yet when I was invited to speak. That one number did make me feel like I was not worthy of these opportunities, like I wasn't high enough up in the hierarchy to share my knowledge and experience. That was an internal narrative, a limiting belief. Seizing these big exciting moments helps me shed that untruth. 

After the panel and throughout the weekend, different people would stop me and mention they saw my talk and the two things that stood out: I'm a sober sorority girl. Two big parts of my identity that are not so common - or respected quite frankly - in the tech industry today. Those parts of me have become my superpowers. 

The most special thing about the entire experience was how many of my girlfriends showed up to support me - over 10 of my very close friends from all stages of my life were there with me including husbands and babies! Feeling that much love took away any fear of 'messing up' the talk. I barely remember what I spoke about but I will always remember their faces smiling back at me. Public speaking is a craft I've worked very hard to hone throughout my career, so I don't get nervous or anxious in front of a crowd with a microphone. Being prepared to meet the moment was key. A year ago, I wasn't prepared to meet this moment. The books I've read, vulnerable conversations with friends, leading Women at AWS, innovating new technologies, my sobriety evolution, teaching yoga... it all came together in a beautiful way. 

I flew home early from SXSW to host my team of 100 in San Diego for a week of team building. We rented out the La Jolla Women's Club - a non-profit organization with beautiful grounds surrounding the one story building, a quick walk to the ocean. Remote work was hype for a minute, and working from home/anywhere is a great option for flexibility. I've been operating hybrid for about 10 years now (thanks internet) but being in person can't be replaced. I do know that much. I met my husband at the office and have met most of my very closes friends through work. On that same note I refuse to fly over 50,000 miles a year ever again. #officelife! Many people on my team do know that I don't drink anymore, so it was pretty special how many people shared with me they are on a sobriety journey. Those conversations hold space for trust, vulnerability and mutual respect. Those conversations made my week. 

This time of year is usually when friends and family come visit us in San Diego. When kids come down we get to go to the Zoo and Lego Land and lots of beach time - you literally aren't allowed into Lego Land without kids but it's so much fun I had a fantastic time and can't wait to go back... with someone else's kids. 

Now I'm taking a week to staycation. Sleep in, nap, lay in the yard, read books, write... just see where the day takes me with nothing on my calendar! Blessed.


maddy mo

Currently Reading (in case you weren't aware I've always been a mega theology and latin nerd): 

Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue 

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius 


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