March Madness - SXSW, Legos, Team Building & Tigers
SPRING BREAAAK! I might not officially get spring break off as an adult but I'm taking one anyways! Before March even began I knew this month was packed with plans. The plan this week is no plan :sunglasses smile emoji:. LET'S START WITH SXSW. When I lived in Austin, SXSW was my favorite time of year. Speaking on a panel at SXSW was something I always wanted to do. I remember last year an author and influencer I follow Tinx did a panel with Mark Cuban and I thought 'I want to do that, but when will I ever be important enough?'. Turns out 2024 was the year and Women in Tech & Media was the topic! Imposter Syndrome isn't something I've ever identified with much - however at Amazon there is a major insecurity that comes with what level you are in our internal leveling system. This month I did get a major milestone promotion approved that bumped me up a level, but that hadn't even happened yet when I was invited to speak. That one number did make me feel l...