Married in Mexico!

The first thought that comes to mind when I reminisce on our wedding is - CAN WE DO IT AGAIN?! There aren't words to describe the immense joy that came from bringing our loved ones together in a place we love. We chose to get married at a hotel for a few reasons:

1. Integrating friends and family - we actually 'eloped' last year and got legally married, just the two of us at the San Diego Courthouse. This is the modus operandi of many of my millennial friends - tax breaks and insurance before romance in this economy. Modern weddings are astronomically expensive, so we considered leaving it at elopement and opting out of planning and paying for a big party. However, we are currently blessed in the bank account department and decided this was our only opportunity to blend the incredible people from all chapters of our lives - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. OUR FRIENDS BECAME FRIENDS.

2. The W Punta de Mita - we've spent several summers vacationing at this property with big groups of friends. Beach side pools with food and beverage service, 5 star onsite restaurants, beautiful clean rooms with luxurious bath products (#diva), big beautiful property with jungle landscaping on the beach... my list goes on and on.

3. No transportation - our ceremony and reception were on the hotel property, so our guests that stayed in the room block simply walked or rode complimentary golf carts. Rather than spending time commuting on a bus - more time for pool, beach, glam or nap! (no shade to those group rides to and from other weddings, they are always super fun and social)

4. Room Blocks - we were able to negotiate a fantastic rate below market value for a 5 star hotel. The hotel makes a lot of revenue on food and beverage from the entire group, lowering the cost the bride and groom pay. 

5. Proper Vacation - my bachelorette party was on Wednesday before the Saturday ceremony. I planned it this way so that all of my girlfriends were obligated to arrive in Mexico by Tuesday and spend all sorts of quality time with me and each other :). Many people vocalized they became closer to their partner, were relaxed and happy, and realized they need to take more time away from the office and email. We intentionally picked Memorial Day weekend, so there was a 'free' day of PTO.

This was the best week of my life and I remember every, single, moment. We checked into the hotel 7 days before our big day. My morning routines consisted of cuddles and sleep ins, meditation outdoors on my private jungle balcony, gentle exercise followed by a big beautiful breakfast buffet complete with green juice, fresh coffee, fruit, carbs - the works! (*I negotiated breakfast included in the room block rate, because #SalesGirl - you're welcome friends an family ;) ). I'd spend the whole day poolside and in the ocean with my friends, enjoying fresh coconuts sin alcohol and quesadillas with guacamole and spicy habanero salsa.
Whenever I got hot or tired from the sun, I retreated to my room for a quiet cold shower and a nap alone. I was extremely hydrated all week (sleep + water = JLo's top beauty secrets). Thanks to teaching 50 yoga classes in the past 6 months and 2 years off the booze, I was so confident and proud of how my body looked in all my cute (revealing) bathing suits and my wedding dress. 

Bridal bodies and "wedding diets" are often front and center for women as soon as we get engaged. There is a lot of pressure to "look your best" - to me that just means looking like yourself. I am the best version of myself inside and out, without alcohol and with healthy food, laughter, sleep and exercise. As the wedding evening turned into night, we made our way to the AFTER PARTAY at 11pm. I was sleep training like an infant all week so that my energy would stay high, enabling me to soak up every single moment with my guests. This plan worked brilliantly! At the after party... where we played exclusively rap and hip-hop... duh... I was dancing my behind off as I have always loved to do #ATLien. One of my male friends said "If you were drinking, you wouldn't be awake to enjoy this part of the night, would you?" Spot on mate! If I was drunk and still awake, I wouldn't have the clear memories, would be exhausted, looking a hot mess and thinking my moves were sexy rather than sloppy (my sober dance moves... super sexy). Some people have inquired if I drank on my wedding night - I did not. Zero sip of champagne and no tequila shot. I simply didn't want to. One afternoon by the pool, one of the hotel staff we've befriended over the years is Oaxacan and he offered us a congratulatory ceremonial mezcal. In my sobriety I have kept in mind accepting a sip of mezcal from a Mexican or maybe taste of sake from a native in Japan. I took a taste of the orange slice, licked the Tajin and dipped the tip of my tongue in the mezcal. I didn't take a sip, but I did instantly feel a bit of a buzz literally from a drop of the stuff! Once you have no tolerance you realize booze does have a strong effect! (*disclaimer: this was okay for me and my relationship with alcohol today. this could be a dangerous choice for someone else's sobriety, or myself earlier in my journey).

I want to make wallpaper out of every single photo and plaster our house - obviously my groom is not supportive of that considerably tacky and narcissistic idea... but my best friend who was more or less my day of wedding planner (thank you forever) said - "that's what social media is for!". 

Words of wisdom from a bride who has thrown one wedding of her dreams :
1. Start wedding planning by reading The COVID Bride: Lessons in Wedding Planning from the Girl Who's Seen It All - Authored by my incredibly brilliant and witty sorority sister, Sara La Chapelle Trelenberg. This gave me all the best advice and confidence to kickoff the planning process. 
2. DON'T SPEND MONEY YOU DON'T HAVE. The most chill brides are not worried about financing their party. Stick to a budget of cash you already have access to. Do not open new credit cards. People I know who did this, were extremely stressed and barely enjoyed any part of planning or even the day of. ALSO - share your wedding budget and spending breakdown with your close friends! I had friends kind enough to discuss financial specifics and costs with me, even spreadsheets! (you know who you are, also thank you forever ;) ).

3. Just do it! Being celebrated and feeling that much pure love is beyond. 
4. Most importantly : love yourself, love your partner & love the body you are blessed to be in. 

A No Booze Bride, 
maddy mo



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