Okay Ladies, now let's talk about paychecks!

Last weekend we went back to Seattle for the first time since moving to Southern California. Washington was showing off her fall colors, it was so beautiful outside! The main reason we went up was to attend a wedding (number 6 out of 7 for the season). Of course returning to a place that once was home and spending quality time with a few of our closest friends was absolutely priceless. We go to a lot of weddings and I think they're soul food. It's like the feeling after exercise or any memorable occasion with friends and family. You never regret going and always feel full of joy after attending. I'm a sucker for a good speech and love to dance. Whenever I make a wedding buddy in the bathroom or during the cocktail hour, I always say "See ya on the dance floor!"... because that is where I will be! 

Recently I've gotten to spend some quality time with my close girlfriends that know me really well and we've been really open about finances - investments, assets, mortgages, goals -  and I have to say, as a modern woman, it's very important to have safe spaces where you can openly discuss these big important topics. Even in a mentorship capacity, I've been a part of several discussions where women are explicit about what we are earning, what our goals are, and what the challenges are to getting that goal wage. Let's go girls! Now, I'm not saying go post your salary in your Bumble profile (that's one strategy though lol)... but having honest discussions with anyone you trust and respect are extremely valuable, especially if you have people that can relate to your situation. At the wedding last weekend (fourth sober wedding in the books this year!) I was chatting with a group of girlfriends who's husbands also work at Amazon. Somehow we got into a discussion about insurance and the exorbitant costs they were paying, and I ask why they were not on Amazon's insurance through their spouse? It's much more affordable than the options they presented! By being open about money recently, I've been witness to many women sharing strategies to save or make more money (or plan a dream wedding without getting a second mortgage), which I think is rad and a great way to lift each other up.

Emotionally after visiting Seattle, I feel reinvigorated and more at peace, maybe there was some sort of closure I needed that I got this trip. Between the pandemic and moving, I've had to reestablish how I maintain, build and grow relationships with all the people I really want to keep in my life. I love technology and am so grateful for digital communication and being able to see someone I love from far away in an instant, but I also love to spend my time with my devices out of sight and go out in the yard or to the beach. So, it was fantastic to get to be present with a few special people I've missed! I am looking forward to my next trip to Seattle where I can hopefully stay longer and catch up with a larger circle of people. I did get to go to an amazing local yoga studio that opened after I left! It's great having girlfriends in my life that value exercise and healthy living - we even got at-home massages this weekend from the app Zeel - wow what a luxury that was! Highly recommend!

Currently Reading: 

Emotional Agility by Susan David

Gilead by Marilynne Robinson


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