Just Wondering

 It's a wonderful day! I love that word - wonderful. I've been reading Ariana Huffington's book Thrive in which she argues wonder is an important pillar supporting a full and successful life. Children are full of wonder, not worry fear or doubt like us adults. Life is much more enjoyable when you approach things with a sense of wonder. Rather than questioning, doubting or challenging big topics like religion, spirituality, or the meaning of life, just wonder about those things and see where that gets you. Today is Saturday and it's a three day weekend! The past few hours I've spent lounging in my hammock enjoying the sound of the breeze in the trees, reading books and watching butterflies, beetles and hummingbirds zip around the yard. There's also a bright teal scarab beetle zooming around. Having a garden and immediate access to nature has made a huge difference in my life. Being healthy has become my top priority and living in San Diego makes it really easy to live a healthy lifestyle. I'm realizing health is very holistic, and for many seasons of my adulthood I've only had a few healthy components that joined together with some unhealthy habits made a rather unhealthy organism. Removing bad foods, alcohol and sources of stress from my life while adding sunshine, exercise and mindful routines has made a world of difference. Did you know alcohol makes our brains shrink? The brain longevity course I'm taking through the Alzheimer's Prevention and Research Foundation is teaching me so much about how our daily lifestyle decisions can easily prevent suffering later in life. My goal is to live into my 100s - I think that would be pretty w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l! I've also started drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning - I boil water when I get out of bed and by the time I finish my 20 minute meditation, it's the perfect temperature to add lemon and drink. Cheers to longevity! xoxo maddymo


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