Can I Have Some Privacy, Please?

The topic of privacy is not talked about enough, especially in the world of high tech where it should be a primary focus. Growing up in the 90s and 2000s, using the internet is second nature and a big part of my life. My dad used to let me practice code instead of doing house chores, I've always loved computers and been interested in technology. When I entered high school in 2005, Facebook just became available to users outside of the original college email domain gate, so everyone at my metro Atlanta high school had a profile. It's strange to look back and realize the reason a lot of Facebook policy has changed over the years is because of things I was a victim of - a teenage girl tagged in humiliating photographs I didn't give permission to be on the internet, tagged to my name and my profile by bullies, for instance - clearly a lot of room for improvement on that feature. If Chief Privacy Officers were mandatory executive positions required by all company boards, that would be a great start to defending the privacy of groups that aren't always represented in the room - teenage girls are one of those groups that needs protection. Brene Brown is a shame researcher and I absolutely love her books Dare to Lead and The Gifts of Imperfection. Shame and vulnerability are two topics she researches deeply and writes about beautifully - “Vulnerability is the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness, but it appears that it's also the birthplace of joy, of creativity, of belonging, of love.” We all know there's loads of shaming going on on social media and all over the internet these days - I personally choose not to use TikTok, but i do know the comment culture in that application is totally nasty and negative. Like I said, I've been using the internet pretty much my whole entire life and if you told me back in 2002 it would be monotized by people using it to showcase greed, vanity and power - I would not have been able to imagine it! I don't think it's too late though - there's still so many positive spaces on the web and so much good to come from technology. For example, I ordered an Oura ring, which I am SO excited about! Now I can get some data on my sleep, energy, mood and more! But, that's my private business and Oura better have a great data security technology in place (I'm confident they do)! xoxo maddymo

Currently Reading

The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates

Thrive by Ariana Huffington 

This is Your Mind on Plants by Michael Pollan 

Neurodharma by Rick Hanson 


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