The Great Disco Western Wedding

At this particular moment in my life I am living through a perpetual wedding season and man are these weddings making some epic memories. My very close friend I met back in 2012 during our college internship and stayed close to especially in regards to our careers, got married to the most self-assured and positive women I've ever met - I mean who has the confidence to theme their wedding Disco Western please dress accordingly? This bride... very awesome. The group was the best mix of people - the groom's Chinese family, the bride's Midwestern water ski and snow ski crew joined with her fashion school friends from Parsons - made for fascinating conversation and a never ending dance party. Night one 30 of us shared a giant ski chalet then the morning of the wedding shuttled up a dirt road on a big bus to the venue - gorgeous lake front ceremony with sweeping mountain views, definitely worth the ride. Instead of trekking back down the mountain after the reception with the parents and grandparents, the DINKs (double income no kids) stayed in these amazing little cabins on the property. The Groom is an ex Burner (what you call one who attends burning man) so the after party was a silent disco underneath the starry Colorado sky which was super trippy, even sober like I was. Alec built a giant bonfire that he was very proud of, so the party was twofold - silent disco option 1 and option 2 acoustic guitar fireside sing along! One of the greatest gifts of the weekend was no cell reception or wifi at the location, everyone was able to be super present and let time slip away. I decided to check the clock at 12:40 which was a perfect time to wash my face and hop into bed! Once again absolutely no one noticed I was sober at the wedding! People really could care less about your drinking habits. One of our new friends overheard me telling Alec "maybe I'll take one tequila shot" to which Alec replied very taken aback "what? why would you do that...?" He explained to our friend I haven't had a drink in nearly 2 months and what's the point of stopping now. That's why he's my partner and companion! Simply speaking a thought outloud he got me back on track to the bigger, long term goal I want to accomplish. I'm looking and feeling great, coming around to being comfortable without booze and really finding who I am. Sunday I got to spend some quality beach time with one of my closest girlfriends from Seattle, and she reiterated how impressive it is that I can vacation and attend weddings without drinking. All the positive support is making this possible and giving me a lot of confidence and pride in my choices. I'm sitting hear sipping on an Olipop Ginger Lemon prebiotic soda and it's hitting the spot way more than any booze! xoxo maddymo


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