Two Weeks

 Today is the two week mark of no alcohol, including 7 days on vacation in Mexico. It was a more relaxing trip than I expected - this is the third year we've come on this trip with more or less the same group and this week was much more restorative than years past. Usually we party all day at the pool and keep the Mezcal pouring until midnight but a combination of things contributed to a more low key vacation. Alas, we are getting older so there were 3 couples with children with nap times and bed times to mind. It does feel like we are all still weary and hungover from the pandemic - small talk and new environments take shocking amounts of effort to adapt to. This week I spent a lot of time alone, which I do crave large amounts of time I can spend reading, meditating, doing yoga, but I have been itching for some excitement and adrenaline. Al had a great idea yesterday - I mentioned I want to start long distance swimming for exercise and he said I should start playing beach volleyball! I'm definitely going to look into that - there are courts on the beach a few blocks from our house so hopefully there is a women's league accepting novice athletes! I am proud of myself for focusing so much on my health, but I am noticing I'm doing that perfectionist thing where I get a little too obsessive and spiral, so rein it in! This year my mental health has been through a myriad of stressful events, so I need to be patient and let some of that settle and heal. That's the main reason I want to lay off the booze - I really want my brain and body chemistry to be optimal so I can be as happy and healthy as G-o-d intended. This week I read three books - two memoirs focused on alcoholism (stories full of chaos, chemical dependency and shame I want to avoid for my future) and The Gratitude Diaries. Time to check out of this hotel, lay on the beach for a few hours then hit the airport. I am looking forward to waking up at home tomorrow morning :)

xoxo maddymo


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