Healthy Girl vs. Party Girl

I had an epiphany! Midway through a glorious facial treatment on my back-to-back double spa day doozy, I realized I can't be the healthy girl I strive so hard to be and also be a drunk party girl at the same time - all of the toxins and hangovers are the antithesis of being happy and healthy in the mind body and soul. Time seems to move slower whilst sober, and that's a good thing. I'm breaking the habit of treating myself like a productivity machine counting and allocating every moment towards 'what I should be doing' or feeling guilty if I was being totally lazy (note there is a difference between relaxing and hungover laziness - I fully support relaxing and now I have more time to relax which to me is idle time with energy). The pandemic certainly changed my perception of time and how I want to spend it. One of the women on the trip quoted a common philosophy on motherhood 'the days are long but the years are fast' and to me that resounds with truth. Fourth of July was a couple days ago, the 12th year since the Independence Day I got into a gnarly car accident, which I used to memorialize as some sort of survivor, but now this day is slowly morphing into imagery of burgers and fireworks just like every other American. Of course as I'm counting my blessings for being able to walk- the burdens of chronic injuries and pain have healed- the massage therapist yesterday breaks the news I have early onset Sciatica?! Le sigh. It's either the mind, the body or the soul isn't it? This week of self care better have me g-l-o-w-i-n-g. J-Lo, Brad Pitt and Shakira don't drink alcohol - that's my new reply for if anyone asks why I quit drinking ;) if you want to look 30 forever you gotta start tryin while you're still 30!


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