
Showing posts from July, 2024

Things I'm Loving Lately: Summer 2024

 I love love love love love love SUMMER! Right now, I'm sitting in my backyard enjoying this beautiful July day in San Diego - sunny and 75. Here's what I'm loving for summer: 1. Spending time outdoors . The only thing I get 'fomo' with is sunshine. If the sun is shining, I must be enjoying it. As a 9-5 corporate America worker, I still find ways to get outdoors while getting my work done. Working from home or in the office, coworkers have become accustomed to my video conference backgrounds being flora and fauna. There is a spectacular garden onsite at the Amazon San Diego office location, which I frequent. Suntanning is my 'guilty' pleasure, leading to the next thing I'm loving... 2. Super Goop Sunscreen. I'd been quite loyal to Sun Bum sunscreen products the past few years, but recently I've been OBSESSED with Super Goop products. Especially their Glow Screen and CC Screen . Combined or stand alone both products give you the perfect "no ...