It Takes a Two Pizza Team… or Ten
At Amazon we have a concept called the "two pizza team", which is kind of like our version of Goldie Locks and the perfect soup temperature. If you have a project and need other people to help execute the idea, you need enough people that you require more than one pizza to feed them lunch, but lean enough that two pizzas should get the job done. Two pizza team! Lately, I've been having a lot of conversations with others about mental health and the type of support system it takes to achieve and maintain a healthy and stable system. Well, for me, it takes more like a ten pizza team. Since I was diagnosed as Bipolar I last year, I've had to add a few players to my bench. I've been seeking treatment from a psychiatrist who prescribes me essential medication. My yoga teachers have been at the center of my well-being for over ten years now, and those special people continue to add immense value to my life from near and far. I'd also consider all the Peloton instruct...